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Map and Directions

how to arrive at Marmari, Evia Greece

Airport El.Venizelos to Rafina Port

Airport El.Venizelos to Rafina Port

From El. Venizelos Airport (ATH) to Rafina Port is 30 min by car, and then by Ferry to Marmari Port is one hour.
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Rafina Port to Marmari and Gikas Apartments

Rafina Port to Marmari and Gikas Apartments

Ferry timetables you can see them at our page ferry schedules from Rafina to Marmari and ktel timetables you can see at our  Ktel Attikis bus from Airport to Rafina and Ktel bus from Athens to Rafina.
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Airport El.Venizelos to Saint Marina Port

Airport El.Venizelos to Saint Marina Port

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Someone can choose to go from Saint Marina Port  to Styra Port by Ferry with Departure every 1 hour.
Saint Marina Port to Nea Styra Port

Saint Marina Port to Nea Styra Port

From the road above you need 30 minutes drive from Styra to Marmari. A drive where can you enjoy the view.
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Nea Styra to Marmari and Gikas Apartments

Nea Styra to Marmari and Gikas Apartments

When you enter to Marmari from above, you see the big super market Kritikos 30 m away from there is Gikas Apartments.
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Airport to Gikas Apartments through Chalkis

Airport to Gikas Apartments through Chalkis

You can come to Marmari also through Chalkis, has bridge, is 3 hours drive, south enter through Styra has better road. And when you entering Marmari we advise you to make a stop at Chapel of Saint Konstantinos to see the view of all Marmari bay from above.

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